
Sunday, August 31, 2008

Pretty girl

Last weekend we went to Josh's cousins wedding. I have been dying to put Ellie in this dress since we got it at our baby shower! We just really haven't went anywhere nice enough to wear the dress. I thought to myself, "This is probably the last time she will be able to wear this dress because she is growing so much! You are suppose to dress nice at a wedding, so Ellie needs to wear this dress." Guess what, Ellie wore the dress and I think she got just as much attention as the bride!! Here are some of the pictures that we took of her before we left.

What a smile! She has started to snarl her nose when she smiles now.

Hummm. This foot sure does look tasty!

Oh yeah, it is!!

Are you ready for some football?!?

We spent this weekend over at the Kelly's. As most of you may know, it was the start of college football. Something that Josh and Adam have been talking about since January!! So, keep me and Ashley in your prayers, as we are widows for a few months! Carter and Ellie are really starting to like each other and interact more. Ellie doesn't mind Carter playing with toys as long as it is not her toy! She took away every single toy that Carter was playing with!! The funny thing was, was that he didn't mind her taking it. He would just look at her and pick up another toy to play with. My child is soooo spoiled!! Anyways, as you will be able to tell from the pictures, Carter loved Ellie! He would just look at her and smile so big and usually let out a giggle. So, here are some of those pictures.

I told you Carter loves Ellie. He loves her so much he was trying to eat her!!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Texas Buddies

This week we got to visit with my Aunt Susie, her husband Don, and my 2nd cousins Madison and Madalyn. (I hope I spelled their names right, if not sorry!!) It was great to see them since we don't see them very often. In fact, the last time they were here, I had already gotten married! That was three years ago! Anyways, here are some pictures that I got to capture. I hope that in a few years we will be able to visit them in Texas.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Newest Pictures

I just couldn't resist not putting some of these pictures on here.

Bath Time

Here are the pictures I promised you of Ellie at bath time. Enjoy!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

School is in session!

We all started back to school this week. Yuck!! 184 more school days left. I actually have pretty good classes so far. My Biology class (1st block) is almost 30 kids, then I have 15 for Chemistry, and 7 for Forensic Science. Fun classes! I have never taught Forensic before so I am a little scared about it. Don't really know what to do. I told my kids that I feel like I am just "winging" it. I am going to have to study each night so that I will be prepared to teach them the next day. Oh well. At least I have some really cool labs with that class. We will be doing DNA fingerprinting, ink analysis, handwriting analysis, and (I still have to figure this out) a murder mystery lab. I think it will be one of my favorite classes when we are all over with.

Anyway, Ellie did fine this week. The only problem I have is when I get home and Josh goes to work, I can't get out of her sight. She starts screaming when I do!! Sometimes she doesn't even like for me to put her down! I think it will take a few more days and she will be fine.

Well, I just want to write about something, and now I have nothing else to say. Hope you all have a good school year (if your still in school).

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Goodbye Cody

Monday night we said goodbye to Uncle Cody. He is leaving to go back to college. Ellie was just getting use to him being around. I sure if she could, she would say "I love you Uncle Cody and I will miss you!" Anyways, here are a few pictures from that night!

Of course... Who else?

Ellie eating her food

I guess she wasn't hungry after all?

Ellie and Cousin Gabe

Hum... I wonder what I should do later?